Giulietta Coates

Works by Giulietta Coates


Coates’ landscape photographs explore the tension between loss and beauty, dread and longing. Her work evokes a nostalgia not for something lost but for what never was, reflecting on the inaccessibility of the grandiose landscapes that surround her. She describes these landscapes as "utterly at a distance," creating a void that feels like a "death space," where connection and intimacy remain forever out of reach. Through intimate “conversations” with individual motifs—rocks, pools of water, wooden stumps—she crafts allegories for our enigmatic relationship with beauty and nature in the face of mortality. For Coates, beauty itself is a reminder of death’s presence, where the creative impulse intertwines with our impermanence.

Recently, Coates has extended her exploration of absence through text works inspired by imagined French film titles, creating storylines that exist only as illusions. These works metaphorically express the gap between our imagined futures and the ecological crises she believes define our reality. Based in the Haut Provence region of France for 14 years, Coates integrates her photography with wooden structures, rejecting traditional labels of "Photographer." Using only smartphone cameras, she embraces their imperfections to respond instinctively to the landscape, capturing moments of anxiety, fear, and melancholy. Her career spans 40 years, with works in collections worldwide and representation by BBA Gallery in Berlin since 2016. She graduated with a Master degree at the royal collage of Art in London.


  • 2025

    Papier Engagé.  La Zone Poetique, Group show, Barjols, France

    Falling Faintly, Group Show, Hackney, London


    Portes Ouvertes, Barjols, France

    Photo Workshop and Exhibition, Arles France


    Beyond Solitude, Solo Show, BBA Gallery, Berlin, Germany

    ARTMUC Kunstmesse, Art Fair, BBA Gallery, Munich, Germany

    Portes Ouvertes, Barjols, France


    BBA Editions, Group Show, BBA Gallery, Berlin, Germany


    BBA 2020, Group Show, BBA Gallery, Berlin, Germany


    Poetics of Change, Group Show, Fann-A-Porter Gallery, Dubai, UAE

    Poetics of Change, Group Show, BBA Gallery, Berlin, Germany


    Group Show, Kühlhaus Berlin, Berlin, Germany

    Antumbra, Joint show, BBA Gallery, Berlin, Germany


    BBA 17, Group Show, BBA Gallery, Berlin, Germany

    Contemporary Art Ruhr (C.A.R.), Essen, Germany


    XXS Size Summer Edition, Group Show, Berlin Blue Art, Berlin, Germany


    If Yesterday Were Today, Group Show, Bel Canto Gallery Barga, Italy 2015

    If Yesterday Were Today, Group Show, BBA Gallery, Berlin, Germany

    If Yesterday Were Today, Group Show, Apiary Studio, London, UK


    Hackney Wicked, Group Show, Hackney, London, UK


    Group Show, Café Gallery, London, UK


    Deutsche Bank Group Show, Frankfurt, Germany


    Talking to Myself, Group Show, Rose and Crown, London, UK


    Deep Inspiration, Group Show, Jerwood Space, London, UK

  • 1984-1987

    BA (Hons) Printmaking Fine Art, Central St. Martins, London


    MA Printmaking Fine Art, Royal College of Art, London


    Reoccurring Artist Stays in South of France
